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Demos & Tutorials

Option Traders Template

File Operations - 1 video
Option Pricing - 3 videos
Strategies - 9 videos
Trading - 8 videos
Earnings Movement - 1 video
Forecast - 3 videos
Relative - 1 video
Tax Reporting - 1 video
Mark-to-Market Election - 2 videos
File Ops
File Operations

Describes how to save the File as the ticker symbol and then options to archive the file

Option Pricing
Option Pricing

Single Option

How to use the Option Pricing Single Position model to visually determine your pre-defined Primary and Secondary exit points and how the exit points change with the passage of time and changes in implied volatility

Vertical Options

How to use the Option Pricing Vertical Position model to visually determine your pre-defined Primary and Secondary exit points and how the exit points change with the passage of time and changes in implied volatility

Calendar Options

How to use the Option Pricing Calendar Position model to visually determine your pre-defined Primary and Secondary exit points and how the exit points change with the passage of time and changes in implied volatility


Evaluating Long / Short Calls

Using the Option Traders Template to model your Long and Short Call positions

Evaluating Long / Short Puts

Using the Option Traders Template to model your Long and Short Put positions

Straddle / Strangle

Modeling each leg of your Straddle or Strangle position using the Option Traders Template to vary Implied Volatility, Price of Underlying and Days to Expiration

The Quick Covered Call

Determine your minimum return percentage and structure a Covered Call to meet those criteria

The Protective Put

Determine your maximum risk position with the Protective Put model

The Covered Call

Convert your Quick Covered Call to a more detailed Covered Call and model the possible outcomes with different strikes and include dividends

The Collar Trade

Model your Collar Trade with various Short Call and Long Put strikes to determine your Max Profit and Max Risk

Vertical Trades

Modeling your Primary and Secondary exits on Vertical Option trades using a Bull Put as an example

Naked (Cash-Secured) Puts

Determining the possible movement of Cash-Secured Naked Puts and examining the possible premium received per day as the primary selection criterion


Trading Tab Overview

An Overview of the Trading tab of the Option Traders Template; Track your Trades for Tax purposes

Opening-Closing-Clearing-Historical Input

Using the Option Traders Template you can enter Historical Trades and Track your Opening & Closing Trades; If you change your mind about entering a trade you can also Clear it without concern

Selecting Option Strikes

Using the Expected Movement section of the Option Traders Template to predict movement of your underlying and choose Option Strikes accordingly

Clearing & Splitting Trades

Learn how to Clear All Trades from the Option Traders Template then learn how to Split a Trade should the opportunity arise

Monitoring Net Returns, Greeks & Cash

Using the Trade ID designator to monitor Returns, Net Greek Positions and Net Cash

Linking & Rolling Trades

Using Designators to Track Trades when you Roll a Trade or when you need to Link Trades for Tax purposes

Utility Functions on the Option Traders Template 

Operational Shortcuts and Analysis Features to make the Option Traders Template easier to work with and more Analytical for Results

Tax Exporting

Using the Tax Export feature of the Option Traders Template to prepare the line-items for your tax return for one Underlying

Tax Lots

Discusses the Adequate Identification of Shares for Tax Lot trading purposes; Possibly subject to change due to passage of the TCJA


Earnings Movement

Download Historical data for your underlying in order to better trade an Earnings Event


Downloading Historical Data

Using the Forecast tab of the Option Traders Template to Download Historical Data for the Underlying

Graphically Determining Option Strikes

Downloading Historical data for your underlying will allow you to Visually Analyze your Trade Decisions so You can have a higher Probability of Trade Success

Monte-Carlo Simulation of Option Trades

Using Monte-Carlo Simulation to Forecast Trade Outcomes on both an Expected Movement and Trend Basis


Relative Stock Movement

Downloading Historical data for an Underlying, a representative ETF and the market (SPX) in order to examing the Relative Performance of the chosen Underlying versus the ETF versus the Market


Tax Reporting

Consolidating Stock and Option trades for the year from the Option Traders Template for Year-End Tax Compliance


Mark-to-Market Overview

An overview of how to make the Mark-to-Market Election for Traders in Securities

Mark-to-Market Election and Maintenance

Learn When and How to make the Mark-to-Market Election; Use the MTM Election template to Make and Maintain your MTM Election; Examine the Pros and Cons of the MTM Election

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